Dynamic Sealing Solutions@Model.HeadlineTag.Tag>
Radial Shaft Seals, Butterfly Valve Seals, Diaphragms and many more
Dynamic Sealing Solutions for the Food & Beverage Industry
Dynamic seals are used in applications with motion between the hardware component and the sealing solution. The motion can be rotary, translatory, reciprocating or oscillating. Effective dynamic seals need to maintain a balance between the sealing force, minimize the friction and furthermore prevent leakage.
Contact our experts and discuss your individual needs.
Portfolio of Dynamic Sealing Solutions
Radial Shaft Seals
The patented structure of the Freudenberg Simmerring® promotes high functional reliability and safe production processes. Its key benefit is its resistance to media and extreme temperatures – the substances only come in contact with high-performance materials like PTFE and Fluoroprene® XP. Available in different hygienic design options, rotary shaft seals lend themselves to diverse applications – in mixers, grinders and bottling systems.
Product Benefits
Variable and reliable use
Hygienic design – the absence of dead spaces
Excellent media- and temperature resistance due to high-performance materials
Broad range of designs
Low friction and anti-adhesion
Download Brochure "Sealing Solutions for Drive Shafts in the Process Industry"
Butterfly Valve Seals
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies’ butterfly valve seals are suitable for the special requirements of the food and beverage industry, including resistance in aqueous media and CIP/SIP cleaning processes as well as against high temperatures and media such as fat and nitric or formic acid (depending on the material). For hygienically demanding applications, dead-space-free variants conforming to hygienic design standards are available.
Product Benefits
Available in a broad range of high-performance materials
Individual design – tailored to your needs
Special design allows easy installation
Patented design for maximal operating cycles and minimal abrasion
Special variants like low-friction or hygienic design version
Guide Bands and Wipers
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies’ guide bands are available in a range of materials that ensure low wear. Special materials conform to legislation specific to the food and beverage industry and can be used even in direct media contact. They include PTFE Y005, which is made of a pure, virgin, high-grade PTFE and a filler. The materials for guide bands are also highly resistant to CIP/SIP cleaning media and processes.
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies offers wipers made from materials that conform to food and beverage standards, allowing the wiper to be in direct media contact. Wipers protect the interior from external influences and remove process media residue. Individual designs mean that the wipers can be flexibly adjusted to your application and requirements.
Product Benefits
Highly media-resistant e.g. against CIP/SIP media
Very low tendency to extrusion
Long lifespan due to low wear properties
Range of available sizes up to 200 mm
Special variants for hygienically demanding applications
U-Packings, Rod Seals and Piston Seals
Our u-packings made of PTFE are highly media and pressure resistant – even in contact with especially aggressive media. Therefore they are a highly dependable sealing element ensuring an outstanding longevity. As u-packings can be manufactured by machining, they are available in nearly every dimension. The corresponding spring is made from endless material. For this reason u-packings can be provided very fast.
Product Benefits
Highly media and temperature resistant
Special variants for high-pressure or hygienic applications
No stick-slip effect
Available in a wide range of dimensions due to flexible manufacturing processes
Bellows can be used to protect moving machine parts, to compensate for movements, vibrations and misalignments as well as to circulate gases and liquids. The range of uses, from compensators to valve or pump bellows, is extremely high. Bellows are available in nearly every dimension (below 10 mm on request). Due to our machining-based production process, our bellows are available in short order and provide a good price-performance ratio even for single parts.
Product Benefits
Highly media- and temperature-resistant
Range of diameters available
Reliably prevents media contamination
Range of applications includes compensation, parts protection and liquids circulation
With their diverse functions, diaphragms may be used in a broad range of applications such as pumps, valves and regulators. Freudenberg has the engineering and material expertise to provide diaphragms in standard and custom-designed shapes and sizes. They are also available in nearly any basic elastomer material, or with modifications specific to an application, such as fabric reinforcements, all especially developed to meet the needs of the food and beverage industry.
Product Benefits
Good media resistance due to high-performance materials
Broad range of functions and applications
Inexpensive production
Highly dependable
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